Welcome to the blog!

Hi there! Thanks so much for stopping by to check out my newest endeavor.
Rising Roots was born out of a deep desire to share my knowledge about natural healing, and to take some friends along on my journey as I continue exploring more of what the holistic wellness world has to offer.
Our health system and overall view of wellness today just seems…distorted.
Cough syrup instead of honey. Surgery instead of massage. Lab created, impossible-to-pronounce ingredients instead of the incredible useful plants that are all around us.

It’s hard to even wrap your head around sometimes!
But not to worry- the natural solutions that people have used for hundreds (or thousands!) of years are absolutely still available for us to take advantage of. It’s just a matter of finding that knowledge again- and sharing those tips with your family, your neighbors, the cashier at the grocery store- anyone and everyone! See, I truly believe that this kind of information shouldn’t be a secret. Knowledge is power, and YOU can harness that power to take charge of your own wellness!
I’m all about taking that personal power back, so we can all make the best, most well-informed choices for our own bodies. Rising Roots is your go to source for:
* Alternative healing therapies- from massage and other bodywork to Reiki, aromatherapy, crystals, and so much more
* Natural products- DIY versions or grab it on Amazon style. Either way, I’ve got you covered!
* Women’s and kid’s wellness issues- as a mama of 2 and 4 year old boys, this one is close to my heart.
* Self- empowerment techniques- because mental and spiritual well being is an important part of your health too!
Something else you’re searching for? Reach out and let me know! I love learning and research, and I’m always happy to hear your suggestions.
Can’t wait to start this journey with you!