Aromatherapy for Headaches

In the past few years, I can count on my hands the number of times that I’ve popped an OTC pain reliever for a headache.
Now, to be fair, I don’t get a ton of headaches. If you do, stay tuned for more tips on how to treat (and more importantly, prevent!) them naturally.

But when I do feel one coming on, this little miracle bottle is my go to!
I picked up this headache relief rollerball at an essential oil party on a whim, and I’m SO glad I did! This baby has helped soothe my headaches every time, as well as those of many friends and family members.
Ready to learn about the magic ingredients? Here’s how each essential oil in the blend can help crush your headache so you can get on with your day:

Ahhh, lavender! It’s even relaxing just to talk about it. Can you smell it right now? This is one of the most well known and well-loved essential oils for a reason. In addition to its stress-relieving properties, lavendula angustifolia (official names are important when selecting essential oils!) is known to be an effective anti-inflammatory agent and to assist in promoting circulation. One study found that participants noted significant reduction of pain just 15 minutes after inhaling lavender oil.
You might be familiar with frankincense for its religious/ historical significance, but the Boswellia tree gives us a potent healing tool as well! Frankincense oil is another known anti-inflammatory, and it’s also helpful in reducing stress and anxiety symptoms (goodbye stress headaches!). This little wonder really needs a whole post of its own: just a few of the laundry list of benefits include boosting immunity, fighting germs, improving memory, and helping to heal the skin.


The fresh aroma of peppermint will immediately make you feel more awake and alert. This oil opens up the sinuses to help you breathe easier. Menthol, an active ingredient in peppermint oil, is widely used to help muscles relax and relieve pain. Like lavender and frankincense, this one also has anti-inflammatory properties!
Okay, so you may be thinking:
“What’s so bad about taking ibuprofen for a headache? How can something that anyone can buy at the drug store/ grocery store/ gas station be harmful to my health?”
The answer is that it probably isn’t *that* bad- if you only take it once in awhile. But taking any medication comes with risks, and it’s good to be informed. Additionally, how many people do you know that are taking these pain relievers on a regular basis? Let’s look at some of the risks:
The FDA stated in 2005 that NSAIDs may increase the risk of heart attack or stroke. These drugs can also elevate blood pressure. Heart problems caused by NSAIDs can happen within the first weeks of use. Another main concern is stomach or bowel issues, such as bleeding or ulcers.

There are a host of less scary, but still bothersome side effects. These include gas, bloating, and other gastrointestinal symptoms. Dizziness, feeling lightheaded, and…headache (insert eye roll emoji here). Yes, the intended cure for a headache can cause MORE headaches!
The main takeaway here is that just because a medication is widely available doesn’t mean that it’s safe. Why not try a gentler, more natural solution?
Bonus: you will smell amazing!
Essential oils, as natural and earthbound and lovely as they are, can have some risks too. I believe they are FAR less, and usually far less severe than prescription and OTC drugs, but- knowledge is power! And that’s what you’re here for, right?
Lavender is a fairly gentle substance. There really aren’t any warnings or contraindications for this one- safe to use during pregnancy, safe for kiddos too!
Frankincense isn’t recommended for anyone with a bleeding disorder or those who take anticoagulants, due to its potential blood-thinning effects.
Peppermint shouldn’t be used on children under 3 years old. Using peppermint during pregnancy is somewhat controversial- some sources say never, some say it’s fine as long as it’s diluted properly. Personally, I would be totally comfortable using this headache remedy while pregnant. This is a choice every mama can make for herself. One alternative is to use spearmint in place of the peppermint oil. It has many of the same benefits, but is considered a gentler option.
Ready to make your own? Here we go!
Add the following to an empty rollerball bottle:
- 5 drops of lavender essential oil
- 5 drops of frankincense essential oil
- 5 drops of peppermint (or spearmint) essential oil
Fill the rest of the bottle with your preferred carrier oil, pop the top on, and you’re good to go! I use fractionated coconut oil, but jojoba oil or sweet almond are two other good options.
Don’t want to DIY? Grab a premade rollerball here. This one is a slightly different blend, but has good reviews on Amazon.
To use your headache roller, just apply to your forehead, temples, and base of your skull. Applying heat to the back of your neck after applying can boost the effects too!
Give it a try! I hope it’s an amazingly easy natural fix for you too 🙂
Do you use any other rollerball blends? What are your favorites and why? Let me know in the comments below or over on our Facebook page.