Period Cramps? Try Acupressure!

PSA Ladies!
I’m here to let you know that you can ease the pain of period cramps all by yourself, for free! That power is (literally) in your own hands.
Like me, I’m sure many other women instinctively rub their abdomen when they are cramping. Painful areas on our body just want to be touched. But we can do much more than that…
I’m talking about the amazing effects of acupressure!
Acupressure is the ancient practice of applying firm, sustained pressure to specific spots along the energy meridians that run throughout our bodies (as described in traditional Chinese medicine). Similar to acupuncture, the treatment is based on balancing the flow of energy called qi (pronounced “chee”) that runs through the body. Documented acupressure/ acupuncture points are the areas where qi is most likely to get “stuck”.

Correcting these blockages can help with lots of different issues- from nausea and insomnia to infertility and addiction. One of the most common uses though, is pain relief.
I’m loving so many things about this practice- the emphasis on balance, the holistic mindset, complete absence of pharmaceuticals… But what really gets me excited is that you can do it yourself!
Of course, a trained and licensed practitioner is going to provide the best quality treatment. I wholeheartedly believe that about massage as well, yet I never hesitate to send my clients out the door with self-massage tips or stretches that they can use to keep feeling great until our next session.
Taking care of ourselves shouldn’t just be a monthly occurrence, or something we do only when a problem becomes unbearable. Self-care should be an every day, ongoing practice. Having a deep, intimate knowledge of how YOUR body works is incredibly empowering.
Let’s dive in and learn which points can help calm that angry uterus feeling!
***Please note- not all acupoints are appropriate for pregnant women. If this is you, and you’re saving the info for when your flow returns, please avoid LI4 for now.***
Large Intestine 4 (LI 4)

Located in the webbing between your thumb and index finger, this is known as a great all-purpose pain relief point. Hold pressure here for 60-90 seconds while breathing deeply.
Gallbladder 34 (GB 34)
This spot is great to help relax muscles in general. Find the bump of bone on the outside of your ankle- follow this all the way up the outside of your leg, and you’ll feel another bump (the head of your fibula bone). From here, slide down and towards the front of your leg; about an inch. You’re there!

Spleen 8 (SP8)
SP 8 is helpful for relieving abdominal pain, as well as addressing irregular cycles. It is said to regulate menstruation and the uterus.

This time, start at the ankle bone on the inside of your leg. Move up that line until you run over a bump at the top- almost up to your knee. Move 3-4 finger widths below that, and you’re at Spleen 8.
Liver 3 (LR 3)

The application for this point that really stood out for me was moving stagnant energy. It’s also known to aid in relieving mood swings, breast tenderness, and cramping. AKA exactly what we need!! 😍
I promise this is easier to find than the last two. Between your big toe and second toe, down at the knuckle/base of the toes. Done!
Kidney 6 (KD 6)
Locate that ankle bone on the inside of your leg once more. Move about 1” down and you’ve got it.

I’m really drawn to this point after reading about it! It absolutely can have a positive effect on any cycle issues, but also has a connection to emotional/mental issues such as anxiety and depression (why am I just finding this out?!?).
Last one! As far as I’m concerned, we should all be doing this ~daily~.

Gently stroke your Third Eye point, your YinTang. It’s right where you think it should be- just between your eyes, so slightly below your brows. It’s so, so incredibly calming. Said to stop the feeling of being on an “emotional treadmill” (monkey mind- lack of focus- restlessness). Feels soooo good!
For all of these points, hold pressure for 30-60 seconds. If you can, get to a calm and quiet spot, close your eyes. and breathe deeply while you complete this treatment. Feel free to run through the whole routine again if time allows, or repeat it later in the day.
I have tried this myself the last few months and had really impressive results. Cheers to finding medication-free ways to relieve period symptoms! Getting in tune with your body can help guide you toward appreciating this sacred time rather than dreading it.
Hope you find this useful during your next moon!