Why I Love Yoni Steams

Have you heard of yoni steams yet? Ladies, if you don’t know, I’m here to let you know!
I’ll back up, because I know some of you may be wondering what a yoni is. Totally understandable, as this is an ancient term and just starting to be more widely heard in our culture.
Your yoni is your most sacred space. It’s another word for the vagina, but it’s really more than that- yoni encompasses all of the vulva, as well as the womb. One translation is “place of birth” or “place of origin”, where all life begins.
I’ll dive in to the how and why in a minute, but first let me set the scene for you. Imagine being in a quiet room, lit with candles. You might have a favorite drink with you, some hot tea or a glass of wine. The fragrant steam is slowly rising up from the opening in the stool. Now you can sit down, get comfortable, and wrap a blanket all around your lower body. The steam starts to fill the tent you’ve made with the blanket, instantly relaxing you like a warm bath.

This is your time.
Time to look inward, meditate, read a book, journal- whatever moves you. Beyond the potential physical benefits (which are many), the experience of yoni steaming is so, so good for the soul. I’ve released emotions I didn’t know were stuck while steaming. I’ve learned about myself and what I need, and I’ve come out of a steam session overflowing with new ideas. The practice of steaming provides an avenue to open yourself up, to be vulnerable in a safe space. And when you start to move past those internal barriers (that we all have), you might find some amazing things!
The Basics
Yoni steaming consists of adding dried herbs to boiling water, then sitting/squatting above the pot to let the steam enter your yoni. A sheet, towel, or blanket should be wrapped around the lower body in order to keep the steam from escaping. Sit and enjoy the experience for 15-20 minutes. Easy, right?
Check out this video from the steaming guru herself for a basic overview on how to steam and why it’s so good for you.
Personally, I started steaming in an effort to shorten my menstrual cycle and reduce cramps. Rising Roots is a 100% period-positive space, so I’m always looking for ways to naturally ease symptoms and make my moon time easier.
A third, but also important reason was that it just sounded awesome! I was so intrigued, thinking of the sensation of leaning over a hot cup of tea, or stepping into a steamy shower…so that, but just for your yoni? And god knows we could all use more opportunities to connect with our bodies, so I was in!
I’ve been steaming for six months now, and I’ve been hooked since the first time. My cramps are getting less severe all the time. Cycle length…well, that’s always a mystery for me, but I blame that on my copper IUD. I’m not sure that issue will ever resolve until I get the device removed.
One benefit you can’t measure: I’m getting more in tune with myself all the time. When I steam, I usually listen to a guided meditation, and I have gotten in to some deeeep meditative states, which allow me to explore my insecurities, goals, dreams, whatever I need to do.

Plus, I have a very happy yoni! I think you just have to experience the steam to know what that means. #happyyonihappylife baby!
Jokes aside, it’s amazing to be able to do something to focus on a part of our bodies that doesn’t get a fraction of the respect it deserves. Whether you are a mother or not, you hold life-giving power inside of you. Steaming is an amazing opportunity to honor this most sacred and divine space.
In addition to menstrual cycle issues, steaming may help with:
- Endometriosis
- Bacterial Vaginosis
- Fertility Issues
- Vaginal Dryness
- Hemorrhoids
- Menopause Symptoms
- Pospartum Recovery
- Fibroids
- Bartholin’s Cysts
- Odor Elimination
Caution: Please don’t steam while pregnant or during your cycle.
Ready to steam? If you’re local (Waukesha and Milwaukee area), hit the button below to book a session at my Waukesha studio or in your home. If not, no worries! I offer virtual consultations too. We connect on a Zoom call so you can learn everything you need to in order to set up your steam sesh in the comfort of your own home, plus I ship herbs right to your door!
Still have questions? Bring ’em on! I love talking steams and would be so pleased to help you learn more.