Diastasis Recti Part 2: What Can I Do?

Part 1 of this series gives a good basic breakdown of what diastasis recti is, and who is at risk. Click here to catch up if you haven’t read it yet!
I was 4 months postpartum, still getting used to a new body (and a new baby!) when I found out that I had diastasis recti.

Of course I dove right into research mode looking for exercises and programs to help me heal. Being the super-frugal lady that I am, I did not want to shell out $100+ for an exercise program. No way, not my style!
But…as I kept reading, I overwhelmingly saw that the women with the greatest success usually were following one of a few well-known (paid) programs. I decided to bite the bullet and bought the Mutu System.
Mutu System

“Mutu” is short for “mummy tummy”. Kind of a silly name, but it does speak to the fact that so many women think that DR is just a fact of life after becoming a mom. The 12 week program starts with a few weeks of daily core workouts, plus a 20 minute walk everyday. After that, the “Intensive” workouts are added in. These are ” no-impact, but high intensity, DR-safe, efficient workouts to strengthen, shape and tone”. They take about 25 minutes, and should be done 3-4 times a week. Mutu also includes advice on posture/ alignment and nutrition.
I started the program fully motivated to make a change! I was learning a lot- about posture, taking collagen to aid in healing, and why the shoes you wear matter (ditch the heels- sorry guys!). One huge takeaway was the understanding that your core and pelvic floor need to work together in harmony. Another was how important it is to engage your core on the exhale when you do the “work” of any movement, whether that be coming up from a squat or lifting a child.
I think where Mutu lost me was all the rules to follow. As a new mom, I couldn’t fit it all in: the core workout, plus intensive, plus that walk, AND following the nutrition plan. When I didn’t complete all of the tasks for the day, I felt like I failed- so motivation went out the window.
Still, I tried to stick with it. I did complete the 12 weeks, but still had a gap (and the belly to go with it). I went for a second round after baby #2, but never really got the results that I was after. Mutu just wasn’t “it” for me, but I still have a great appreciation for its creators. They introduced me to a boatload of information that I’d never even considered ( I have to pay attention to what my ribs are doing??) and also to the fabulous Katy Bowman. Bowman is a biomechanist and an authority on all things movement. She also literally wrote the book on DR. Check out her website here if you’re ready for a deep dive into how your body moves.

A few months ago, I was feeling ready to try out a new program. My “baby” had recently turned 2, sooo I guess it was about time, right?! I’d been hearing nothing but rave reviews for Dr. Sarah Duvall’s program in an online DR support community, so when a special sale was announced I went for it!
Diastasis Fix- Dr. Sarah Duvall

Duvall is a PT and mom of 2 that actually healed her own diastasis with the program she developed.
She offers several different courses on her site, and I was lucky enough to get a free 30 day trial of EVERYTHING with my purchase of Diastasis Fix.
Her pelvic floor rehab course (Pelvic Floor Perfect) was the first one I was drawn to. Having pelvic floor issues along with a DR is super common, and I’m no exception. PFP helped me nail the crucial skill of releasing my pelvic floor muscles.
I know, we usually hear about women wanting to “tighten up” after having kids, but a hypertonic (too tight) pelvic floor is a real (and widespread) issue. I felt a noticeable difference after working through just a couple of the videos, and this is something I struggled with FOREVER. I’d be endlessly grateful to Dr. Duvall even if that was all I got out of her program.
But I had more to do, of course! Considering my awesome success with just dipping my toe into one program, I was super psyched to get into what I came for and start rehabbing my core. Diastasis Fix is divided up into 8 weeks, and also includes 2 more advanced core workouts (for when you’re stronger) and a jam-packed bonus section full of videos on posture, breathing, pregnancy, and more.
You start out with breathing exercises. We all want to work HARD to get strong again, and you may feel like the breathwork is worthless, but it’s incredibly important. Breathing is step 1. If you don’t have the breathing down, the exercises aren’t gonna fix anything for you. I love how Sarah always comes back to the concept that the gap isn’t the problem, it’s just a symptom of a larger, whole-body issue. You can’t will your way to a strong functional core- you’ve got to take it step by step. This program does such a great job of walking you through the process
The workouts do get more challenging! As the weeks go by, more movement-based exercises are added in along with the breathing and stretching. Week 5 actually has a modified plank included, which I’m sooo pumped about!

Right now, I’m about halfway through the program and quite pleased with the results. (If you’re thinking, “Wait, didn’t she say she purchased this months ago?” you are correct. Yes, I was a slacker getting started- hands up if you’ve been there too, I know it’s not just me!) I am learning SO much and making even more progress than I thought. I was doing a Facebook Live the other day, demonstrating how to check for a diastasis, and was thrown for a minute when I realized my gap was much smaller than I remembered it being! Happy surprises 🙂
Sarah Duvall’s program is the real deal. I have confidence that this is the program that’s going to help me get my core strength back. I’m ready, I’m putting in the work, and honestly, I think I’ll be stronger when I’m done than I was pre-baby!
Even if you aren’t ready to jump into the full program, Duvall’s site is still a legit goldmine of information. Check out the Free Resources page on her site for mini-courses, an E-book, and more- all at no cost!
Do you have, or have you had diastasis recti? What did you do (or are you currently doing) to heal your core? Comment below or get in touch with us on Facebook to share your story! The more we talk about it, the easier it will be for women to get the care they need.