10 Journal Prompts to Encourage Self-Love

Do you journal regularly?

I try to fit it in everyday! It’s a fantastic way to clear your head, explore your feelings, and release stress. On most days, I just want to let it flow- let my thoughts and emotions out, without my brain checking first to make sure they’re acceptable.
That being said, journal prompts can be a real help when you have a specific goal for your journaling practice. Maybe you want to step it up at work, or be more patient with your kids. Perhaps you have some issues in your relationship that you’d like to work on. Or you’re searching for more confidence in your life. Whatever it may be, there are tons of premade journals available out there that are focused to a specific intention. And boatloads of suggestions on Pinterest too!
Today we’re going to narrow it down, and focus on something that most of us let fall to the wayside:

Honestly, loving yourself fully and completely is gonna help with all that other stuff too- so it’s a great place to start!
I did the hunting for you today, and came up with a list of journal prompts you can use to foster self-love. Use these when you find you’re being critical and unforgiving towards yourself, lacking in confidence, or just having one of those low days.
1. What are 5 things you’re good at?
Don’t think expert level, okay? If that’s your goal, great- but let’s appreciate where you’re at right now. Some examples could be “My meal plans kick ass” or ” I’ve been so consistent with practicing ______ lately” or “I make people laugh all the time at work.”
2. What do you want people to remember about you?
Oooo, now we’re getting deep! Thinking about the main qualities you want associated with you helps guide you towards decisions that are right for YOU. Writing it makes it real, and that’s one of my favorite things about journaling.
3. What do you need to forgive yourself for?
This. This is such a big one for me! I remember the first time that I was writing and I had this mind-blowing, tears running down my face epiphany about my relationship with my kids (told you we were getting deep!). Through journaling about my daily interactions with them, I realized that I was stuck in thinking I was still the person I was before I went on medication for postpartum depression/anxiety.
Once I saw how tightly I was holding on to that belief- that I was an angry mama, that I couldn’t control my reactions, that I had no patience- I then saw that I didn’t have to. I don’t think I can accurately express how good that felt. It has seriously been a game changer for me as a parent.
4. What is your favorite physical feature?
C’mon, you can think of AT LEAST one! But feel free to go on and on about the things you find pleasing when you look in the mirror. We all spend far too much time focusing on what we don’t like, so let’s switch it up! Focusing on the things you love about your appearance will make it easier to get into that mind space more often.

5. What would you tell your childhood self?
My intention with this one is that you spend a moment considering how to speak kindly to yourself. The nasty self-talk that we allow is nothing we would ever, in a million years, say to a child. Why? Because it hurts.
I hope that you talk to your 6, 10, or 14 year old self and tell them how absolutely fucking AMAZING they are, that they are so stunning and smart and full of light. And then remember, that person is YOU. That’s still you. So now you have a new way of talking to yourself!
6. A long term goal I have is…
Want to make a drastic career change? Do you see yourself spending retirement on a houseboat in Italy? (If you don’t, please go look up “houseboat in Italy” and your mind may change!) Your goal might be something a little more down to earth, like feeling confident speaking in front of a crowd.

Whatever it is, you have to believe it before anyone else will! So start planning, make a list, and figure out what you need to do to get there. Like I said before, writing it down makes. It. Real. It reminds you that yes, you are a badass, and you can start taking steps (no matter how small) towards your dreams.
7. Who is your role model, and how are you already like her?
The qualities you admire in other people are often the qualities you want to cultivate within yourself. Maybe you’re closer than you think! For example, I am endlessly impressed with Deanne Love, founder of Hooplovers. She just oozes positive energy, she’s so clearly free in her body when she dances, and she has a massive drive to teach, to spread the hoop love to as many people as possible.

Am I a professional hooper with more tricks than you can count and 100K+ followers on YouTube? Hahaha no, definitely not. But- I can access that freedom (hoopers call it flow) of movement in my body. I’ve been there, and it’s magical. I also have a desire to share uplifting messages that help people grow (hi, welcome to my blog!).
We have a tendency to downplay our own strengths. I hope this exercise helps you to see that you’re pretty awesome too.
8. List 20 little things that make you happy
It’s the simple things in life, right? For me, it’s my first cup of coffee, giggles from the kiddos, looking at the moon and stars, perfect buttery toast (unapologetic carb lover here), listening to Sublime…
What does it for you? Feel free to list more than 20 things if you’re moved to do so. This is a list you can come back to. When you need a little lift, when you need to soothe your soul, just choose from your happy list!
9. How do you show love to others? How is that similar/different from how you show love to yourself?
Think about the grace you give to other people. Are you giving it to yourself as well? What about forgiveness, encouragement, unconditional love?
On a more surface level, consider the small things you do for others just because it will make them smile.
That little bit of extra effort you put in to making your toddler’s lunch plate look super appealing, or how excited you get about finding, wrapping, and presenting the perfect gift to a friend.
Okay, now take that energy and aim it right back at yourself, baby!
10. Write a love letter to your body

I know this one might not seem easy. It might seem like the hardest one on the list. We (especially women) are not conditioned to love our bodies. Lots of people out there making LOTS of money from you wanting to change yourself. I’m inviting you now to close your eyes and just think about the sensations your body brings to you.
How the muscles in your legs move when you walk.
The power you feel in your arms and back when you lift something heavy.
The freedom you feel when you dance and let it ALL go.
Thank your body for all that it does, because god knows we spend enough time wishing for it to be something else. Flip the script. Let this journaling session bring you home to your body.
Which one of these are you excited to dive in to? Tell me in the comments or say hey over on Facebook!