Working With Your Flow: The Four Seasons of the Menstrual Cycle

Much like the four seasons in a year, a woman moves through 4 different phases of her cycle each month. Learning how to optimize each “season” can help bring you into harmony with your cycle.
If you live in the Midwest like I do, you know that winter just is not the time for swimming outside. Likewise, we don’t get fresh sweet corn and tomatoes in April. Our resources and desires change with each passing season.
Did you know that your menstrual cycle works the same way?
That’s right- even if the only parts of your cycle that you pay attention to are PMS (aka my period is starting soon and I hate everything) and the start of your flow ( I’m bleeding and exhausted and don’t want to talk to ANYONE), you are moving through 4 distinct phases each month.
By accepting that we will have different needs and strengths in each season, we can determine when the best time is to take a vacation, start a new project, have a serious talk with your partner, or go to a crazy party. We can stop pushing against our bodies and flow with them instead!
Inner Winter – Days 1-6

Inner winter starts when your flow starts. This is a time for solitude, rest, and self-love. Expect to have lower energy levels, and don’t be afraid to ask for a little space. Relax and reflect.
Inner Spring- Days 7-13
Things are moving again! Hopefully, your flow has ended and you’re feeling READY to get back to it! Rebirth and renewal are the focus this week, so planning and starting new projects is right on point.
Inner Summer- Days 14-21

Just like hot July weekends bring everybody out to soak up the sun and socialize, your inner summer is the phase of your cycle when you’ll feel most outgoing, Confidence is high. This is an ideal time for taking care of others- you’ll have more energy to do so now. Ovulation happens in this season.
Inner Autumn: Days 22-28
As we move into the luteal phase, energy levels will start dropping (right along with hormone levels). PMS symptoms may appear toward the end of this phase, as you near the start of a new cycle. Inner Autumn might sound like a drag, but our goal here is to honor every season.
This is a fantastic time to get creative, and find solutions to problems easily. Some things to focus on now are exploring your feelings, clearing out what no longer serves you, and wrapping up whatever you need to in order to fully rest in your Inner Winter.

This week, I will be starting a series diving into each of these seasons, and how we can make the most of them by scheduling work and social activities to flow with your cycle. There are even certain foods that are great to consume (or avoid) at particular times.
In honor of the Equinox, I’m starting with Inner Autumn. Stop back on Wednesday 9/25 to read more, or subscribe so you can stay up to date with all new posts and announcements!