Inner Winter- Have a Happy Period!

Thanks for checking out the second segment of this series, created to help you understand and embrace the changing phases of your menstrual cycle. Need to catch up? You can read about inner autumn here and find out why connecting to the seasons of your cycle is so important here.
Recently, I asked people to share a positive period experience that they’ve had. Answers I got mostly fell into two categories:
A- Happy I’m not pregnant!
B- Positive period experience? Does that even exist?
Ladies– we, collectively, are missing out.
There are benefits to be had and moments to enjoy during the first phase of your cycle. But before you can get there, you have to SURRENDER.
Surrender to the flow. Give the middle finger to society’s expectation that you *must* perform at the same levels through your entire cycle. Give in to your body, asking you to use this time for rest and reflection.
Menstruation is a miracle. And I know, I KNOW, there are so many of you out there reading that are rolling your eyes right now, and are ready to click away because hellloo, the pain?? But please, bear with me, sister! Hear me out.

Understanding your cycle is the first key to making it work for you. Okay, you’re bleeding. What else is going on inside that magical body of yours?
The Surface- Physical Effects
As I mentioned when we learned about Inner Autumn, levels of estrogen and progesterone have plummeted, and you’re likely feeling less energetic. Prostoglandin levels rise, and this hormonal cocktail tells your uterus to contract and release its lining (here’s where the cramps come in). Bleeding lasts, on average, 4-6 days, but anywhere between 2-8 is considered normal. Mood swings, breast tenderness, and sleep issues can all carry over from the premenstrual phase as well.
Digging Deeper- Emotional and Mental Effects
Emotionally, we are drawn to pull inward during this time. It’s a quieter, darker phase- a time for us to be less “in the world” and more focused on ourselves. If you find that you’re craving time alone, you definitely aren’t the only one! Your body, your soul, your intuition– they have things to say, but you have to slooooow down to hear them. It’s not lazy to rest when you have your period. It’s essential. Some experts even believe that cramps, PMS, all of that can actually be worse if we resist the urge to relax and push through with normal activities.
Resisting the natural flow of your cycle will only make things more difficult. That’s where “surrender” comes in. Let go and allow. Sit and do NOTHING, even if it’s only for ten minutes.

I realize that it’s hard AF to slow down in today’s world. Things are definitely not run according to the changing seasons of women’s cycles!
But if you maximize each season, it starts to flow.
For example, maybe you can make a few meals ahead and throw them in the freezer during a time when you have energy in abundance (inner summer!). Bam, just freed up a couple hours for YOU time during your period.
Or you plan your month so you avoid a ton of social engagements you feel obligated to attend, even though your body is asking for stillness and solitude.
Maybe you’ll take advantage of the urge to wrap up loose ends and finish projects during the inner autumn/ premenstrual phase. It’s all about building your nest. In her book Moon Time: Harness The Ever-Changing Energy of Your Menstrual Cycle, Lucy Pearce describes our cycle as:
” …a journey between the light and dark…as we gain confidence…we sense when the energy shifts, and rather than resist, we follow its lead.”
-Lucy H Pearce
This is what our bodies do. They cycle like the moon. Beautiful and powerful as it is, we can’t always have the full moon (and really, we wouldn’t want to!). So we get the light and the dark. Embrace them both and the pieces start falling into place.
To bring it full circle, I want to share some ways that you can make moon time a good time, and sink deep into your inner winter.
Period Self-Care Ideas
-Sleep! Take a nap, or go to bed a little earlier.
-Try out new period products. We have SO many choices now, from menstrual cups and cloth pads to period underwear. Tampons are convenient, but may not be what your body needs.

-Meditating- really, when is it not a good time to meditate? That being said, this is an excellent opportunity to embrace your intuition and open up to your inner voice.
-Face masks, moisturizing/ exfoliating treatments, DIY mani/pedis…show your body some love when she needs it most!
-Check out what the moon is doing, and how it corresponds to your own cycle. Are you bleeding with the new moon, full moon, or neither? Trust, it’s no coincidence that the menstrual cycle and moon cycle are so very similar. Follow this regularly and see how they link up.
-Just sit and groove on how mind-blowingly powerful your body is. The magic of this process that happens inside of us, over and over again, with zero effort on our part. The POWER of knowing millions of other women are, or have been, where you are right now. My blood is your blood is her blood. Sisterhood, baby. Don’t underestimate it.
-Read one of the many amazing books that echo this message of period positivity. Some great options are Cunt, Woman Code, and The Period Repair Manual.

-Get cozy. Blankets, heating pad, tea, all the warm things! You deserve to be in your own little cocoon for awhile.
What else would you add to the list? Let me know in the comments below!
Loving the Seasons of Your Cycle Series? Make sure to come back next week as we rise out of winter and into Inner Spring!
Check out my Instagram and Facebook for even more period-positive, natural living tips!
I want to say thank you for this, I was feeling guilty for being (Lazy) this week and now I feel like I have been slowing myself down and my anxiety/everything has not been as bad this cycle. Not to say it went away but I haven’t been super stressed. I love the heating pad when I’m on my cycle it definitely helps me with my pain. I definitely like taking time for myself but sometimes it just doesn’t seem possible just have to try. I would like some more clarity on the luner phases and our cycles.
I’m so glad it helped you slow down! We need that rest, nothing to feel guilty about. ❤️