How to Connect With Crystal Energy

When you start collecting crystals, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the sparkly shiny goodness! As a beginner, you might not remember each stone’s properties, or just not feel a connection to them. Which can make you wonder, “ Are they even working? Am I doing it right?”
You’re in the right place! Let’s chat about some simple ways to get in tune with your crystals.
Attuning your energy to a crystal will increase the effectiveness of the work you’re trying to do with it. By “bonding” with the stone, you open your mind up to its healing potential.

It’s all about practice, right? Just because you’re drawn to a crystal doesn’t mean you automatically know how to use it!
Getting quiet and taking the time to really tap in to the vibes helps you forge a relationship with your crystals. Instead of guessing, or just hoping the book was right, you’ll be discovering exactly how one particular stone speaks to you.
It’s always a good idea to cleanse your crystal before you begin working with it. In addition to putting out their own unique energy, crystals can (and do) absorb energy from outside sources. Clearing the energy of the stone removes any negative vibrations and icky stuff that it may have picked up.
A few ways you can do this:
- Hold the crystal in running water and imagine anything that doesn’t serve to just be flowing away down the drain. Note- there are definitely crystals that you shouldn’t get wet! As a general rule, any stone whose name ends in “-ite” should stay dry (ex. Selenite, calcite, rhodonite). I found a more comprehensive guide here for your reference.
- Move the crystal through the smoke from a smudge stick (burning dried sage leaves, lavender, or other plants).
- Use sound vibrations from singing bowls or tuning forks over the crystal.
If the piece is small enough, carry it in your pocket. The small tumbled stones that beginners gravitate towards are perfect for this! Keeping your crystal close to your body gives you access to its energy all day long. Don’t forget to take it out once in awhile, hold it in your hand, appreciate its beauty!
Super simple technique number 2 is to sleep with your crystal. You can tuck it under your pillow or inside the pillowcase, if you’re worried about it falling off your bed and breaking (been there!). When you’re asleep, your mind is finally quiet. No longer filled with the stress of the day, worries about tomorrow, or negative energy you’ve encountered. This makes it a perfect time to relax and tune in to what your stone has to say.
Speaking of a quiet mind, meditating with a crystal is another fantastic way to create a bond. Meditation and crystals are a perfect match! You could simply hold a stone or have it near you during mediation, seek out a pair of palm stones made specifically for this purpose, or try a guided meditation created just for fostering this connection (like this one).
Keep an open mind for this next one…how about talking to your crystals?
I know it sounds a little out there, but think about that experiment that was done with two plants- one was spoken to with love, kindness, and encouragement, and one was bullied.
Guess which one flourished?
Plus, crystals are all about vibrations, and the sound of your voice = vibrations too! All makes sense, right?

Here’s a technique to help you start sensing your own energy field: Rub your palms together quickly for at least 10 seconds. Then, start moving your hands apart and back together, slowly. What do you feel? It can be subtle. If you don’t feel anything, close your eyes and take a deep breath, and try again. I just did this and felt the sensation of pressure increasing and decreasing on my palms as I moved (never touching my hands together).
You can also try holding a clear crystal point in your dominant or “sending” hand and using it to draw circles 1-2 inches above your receiving (non-dominant) hand. This would be really fun to try with a friend, too!
A third way to practice tuning into the unique energy of a crystal is to play around with color. Each individual color family has its own associations. For example, many blue stones are supposed to be very calming. I’ve experienced this myself with blue calcite, blue lace agate, and turquoise.

Here’s how it works: find 3 stones that are similar in makeup but different colors. For example, I have yellow, green, and blue calcite shown here. Using the techniques we talked about before, try to listen to each one and note the differences you feel.
This is going to be soooo different for each individual! You might feel:
Temperature changes
Electrical shock
Pins and needles sensation
Seeing colors
Emotional response
Listen to your body here. These feelings can be really subtle- you might have to pay close attention to catch the small signs of change.
My final and most important tip is to KEEP PRACTICING! Just like meditation or yoga is referred to as a “practice”, getting in touch with energy is the same. It might not come right away, but it’s a journey and it’s worth it!

Don’t fall into the comparison trap by worrying about doing it wrong, or not having an intense, mind-blowing experience the first time you try to get in tune with your crystals. Everyone is different, and that’s kind of the beauty of all this! YOU are bonding with THIS stone, and the experience will be unique and special for you, only you.
If you’re having trouble, try closing your eyes. Get to a quiet, peaceful spot and take some deep, cleasing breaths. Become grounded, and give it another shot.
We’re beings of energy and therefore we are affected by energy. We’re made of these trillions of cells, transmitting and receiving energy, all the time.
Hibiscus Moon
Open up to receive and it will come, love!
Drop a comment if you try these, I would love to hear how it went!