10 FAQs About Massage (Answered By a Massage Therapist)

Feeling a little nervous before your first massage? Not sure what to expect? Read on to get the answers to these 10 frequently asked questions.
In today’s touch starved society, undressing and letting a relative stranger see and touch your body can be a little nerve wracking if you aren’t used to it. Whether it’s your first massage ever, or it’s just been awhile, you might have some questions. Craving some reassurance is totally normal. Throughout my 7 years in the field, I’ve heard these questions from lots of people- you’re not alone!
Don’t let a little fear of the unknown stop you from experiencing massage altogether! Read on for a licensed massage therapist’s (that’s me!) take on these common queries.
1) Do I have to take all my clothes off?

I’m addressing this one first because it seems to be in the forefront of all my first time clients’ minds before their massage starts. Most therapists will suggest that you “undress to your comfort level.” Some people are comfortable being entirely naked, while others choose to keep underwear on only. If you’d feel better with more clothing on during your session, just tell your therapist! Clothed massage is a different but still totally effective option.
If I ever recommend that a client remove additional clothing, I’m sure to explain WHY. For example, if a bra is left on, we can work around it, but it’s probably going to have oil or lotion on it when you walk out. And if you need work on your hips/ glutes, we’ll have better access if underwear is removed.
That being said, I ALWAYS make sure my clients understand that the choice is theirs and I’m happy to work with whatever they want to do!
2) Does it hurt?
That depends! When you’ve requested a blissed out relaxing massage, no- I don’t think you should experience any discomfort at all. If you’re coming in for deep tissue/ site-specific concerns, it’s a possibility. My personal philosophy is that I don’t want my clients to get above a 4 or 5 out of 10 on the pain scale while we’re working together.
Your therapist should stay in close communication with you during the massage, and will pay attention to your body language and facial expressions as well. Since pain and pressure are so objective and experienced differently by everyone, it’s super important that you speak up if something hurts. Trust me, we want to hear about what you’re feeling! Feedback is the BEST.
3) Can kids and teens get a massage?
Of course, and they LOVE it! Most of the younger clients that I’ve worked on personally were either athletes, had a medical condition that caused muscle tension/pain, or were tagging along with a parent just for fun!
I think it’s fantastic, really- kids can receive all of the same amazing benefits that you do when you get a massage. Also, you’re setting a great example of how they can take care of themselves!
**Note- anyone under 18 will need a parental consent form signed before receiving treatment.***
4) Is prenatal massage safe?

Yes, yes, YES! I can’t say it enough. In a low-risk pregnancy with no complications, you can receive massage at any time from conception to delivery. First trimester, check. 39 weeks and about to burst, hell yes.
What about a higher-risk pregnancy, like multiples for example? I’ve massaged mamas with twins before, and it was freakin amazing. High-risk doesn’t mean no massage- it just means getting the all clear from your doctor first. Many establishments will have a medical release form for just this purpose. If you know that your pregnancy is considered high-risk, get ahead of the game by obtaining a “cleared for massage” note from your OB before you come in for your session.
I could go on all day- prenatal massage is one of my favorites! Look out for a more focused post on that in the future. Until then, if you have questions, hit me up! I would love to help answer them.
5) Can I talk during my session?
That, much like the pressure used, music, etc is up to YOU, love! This is your time on the table. A massage isn’t something that I do TO a client; it’s an experience we share together. I want it to be the best possible experience for you.
So don’t feel the need to fill the silence- we’re happy to zip it and focus on our work. And if you feel like talking, that’s fine too! Here’s how I handle it- I never start a conversation with a client. That way, it’s entirely up to them. I’ll answer them in a soft voice and return to being quiet so they know it’s okay to relax and sink in, if they choose.
Side note- wish your massage therapist would stop going on and on about his last vacation? Please don’t waste a second of your table time and just say so. Something like, “I’d like to be silent so I can really experience my session today fully.” works great.
Speak up right away if you:
- Feel too hot or cold
- Are in pain
- Have any questions about the massage
- Forgot to mention a health issue during the consultation
6) How long will the massage last?
Standard sessions are 30, 60, or 90 minutes long. Many practitioners will also offer 2 hour sessions, and you may be able to get a quick 15 minute chair massage at a number of locations too! Again, it depends on what your body needs. If your therapist feels they need more time at the next session to accomplish your goals, they’ll tell you. When in doubt, go for 90. 🙂
7) Will I be covered during the session?
Yep! This is referred to as draping, and it’s a must. For security and for warmth, if a part of your body isn’t being worked on, it should usually be covered. If I’m working on your neck, your legs can just stay toasty, right? Obviously, areas that your massage therapist shouldn’t be working on at all (breasts and genital area) will be securely covered for the whole session.
Besides the comfort factor, proper draping is the law in most states.
A good therapist practices to make sure their draping is secure and done quickly without any fuss. I know, it’s just moving a sheet around, but trust me- it takes practice!
I’ll say again how very important it is to communicate with your therapist. If draping doesn’t feel secure and comfortable to YOU, I will do it again or figure something else out, every time.
8) How will I feel afterwards?

Hopefully AMAAAAZING! It’s not uncommon for people to walk out with a slightly dazed look on their face- and that’s fantastic, you just float on that cloud for the rest of the day. Enjoy it!
With deeper work, you may experience some soreness- usually the next day. This should be similar to the way your muscles feel sore after a good workout. A hot shower or soaking in an Epsom salt bath can provide relief. Also, make sure to drink plenty of water, and let your therapist know if the soreness lasts longer than a day or two.
9) Is it okay to fall asleep?
Oh my god, yes. I fall asleep almost every time I get a massage- often including drooling on the face cradle cover and weird leg twitches. No worries, folks! Most therapists consider it a compliment to help you relax so fully that you drift off on the table.
10) When should I not get a massage?

Honestly, there are only a few *total* contraindications to massage.
- *Fever
- Cold/ flu
- Contagious skin condition
So basically, if you’ve got a bug or a spreadable rash, please stay home!
There are many other conditions that could require the session to be modified in some way. If there are any changes in your health (between updating your health history annually), make sure to mention them to your massage therapist so she can ensure your session is safe and enjoyable.
Still have unanswered questions? Your massage therapist wants to hear them!
You can always feel free to send massage related inquiries my way, too! No question is silly or embarrassing or weird. I love massage and want everyone to experience it.