How an Abundance Mindset Can Change Your Life

Find out how to change “never enough” to “more than I need” by ditching your focus on what’s lacking!
Are you living an abundant life?
I don’t mean “Do you have a brand new car?” or “Do you enjoy several luxurious vacations every year?” or “ Tell me about your $250 leggings.”
Are you living a life that is overflowing with goodness, potential, love, and success? A life that you’re grateful to wake up to each and every day?

This is available to all of us!
That might seem far-fetched to you, and it’s not hard to understand why: lots of us these days spend our time stuck in a scarcity mindset. Forever concerned that we’re getting less than he is, we need more than she has, and time is running out.
When every situation you encounter brings the negatives rushing to the forefront, how can you keep moving forward?
When your decisions are based on fear, how can you grow?
Growth is scary, dude. Growth takes STRENGTH. It requires the faith that the Universe is ready and willing to provide everything that you need.
Scarcity v. Abundance
To bring some clarity to the difference between focusing on lack and trusting abundance, consider the following responses- same situation, different mindset.
Lack: “ They’re going on vacation AGAIN? I never get to go anywhere.”
Abundance: “Wow, what an amazing trip! They’re going to have a great time.”
Lack: “Why would I teach her my secret technique? I need this edge to get ahead.”
Abundance: “This technique is going to save us all so much time!”
Lack: “ I can’t afford to spend money on marketing because my business isn’t bringing in enough.”
Abundance: “Investing in this will get my name in front of so many potential new customers!”
You see the difference! Say both the lack and abundance statements above to yourself, and notice how each one makes you feel.
Abundance can only be felt and received when you are open to it. The best way to stay open? Whatever it is you’re reaching for, believe you already have it! It’s already on its way to you. This kind of mindset keeps your vibration so high that you can’t help but feel like you’re on top of the world.
The Pie Analogy

Here’s another fantastic way to illustrate the difference between a mentality of abundance (based in love) and a mindset focused on lack (based in fear):
The pie can represent anything we desire in life- money, love, success, attention, opportunity… but for the sake of this example, let’s say success. And I’m gonna get real here and use myself as the subject.
I often see women on Instagram or Pinterest just absolutely CRUSHING businesses based on natural living, women’s health, or alternative therapies. Tons of followers, share-worthy content, beautiful smiling pictures, the whole bit.
Lack mindset would say things like:
“Oh man, I’ll NEVER have that many followers.”
“Why am I even trying? I don’t have a quarter of the knowledge she has”
“The market for this kind of blog is saturated. Potential customers will obviously choose her over me.”
A lack or scarcity mindset assumes that there is only so much pie. See there, it’s cut into 8 pieces, and those super successful bloggers are grabbing them one by one. No pie left for me.
Now the fun part.
Abundance mindset says:
“OMG! Another period positivity Insta account? This is AWESOME.”
“The more people talk about this, the more accepted it will be.”
“Look, someone making a living teaching people about herbal medicine online! Didn’t even know that was an option.”
“Whaaat, sex educator is a legit job? I’ve got to ask her where she learned!”
Abundance mindset = plenty of pie. Plenty for all of us!
How, you ask, when it’s cut into 8 pieces already?
The trick is, you don’t have to know exactly how you’re gonna get your piece of the pie. You just need to truly, with all you have, believe that it’s going to end up on your plate.
Maybe there’s another pie in the oven already, and you can’t even smell it baking because you’re so focused on what you DON’T have.
Alright- if you don’t want pie after all of that, I applaud you! The rest of you, watch out for a half-ass healthy pie recipe comin’ at ya.
Let’s dive into two BIG areas of your life that can be dramatically improved with an abundance mindset!

Does anyone feel like they have enough time? I’m willing to bet that the majority of adults don’t (while our kids are BORED by their endless free time, silly youngins!). Yes, we’re busy…but with what?
This study by Rescue Time shows that the average American adult spends 3 hours and 15 minutes on their phone. Every. Damn. Day. And there are, of course, people who spend even MORE of their day glued to the screen.
What would you do if you could take one of those hours back?
Time management techniques can be helpful, but what we’re looking at here is your attitude towards time. It’s like magic, you guys. I just did this today:
Me: Maybe I’ll go to that barre class after I drop the kids off…
Brain: What? You didn’t PLAN AHEAD! There’s no time to get everything together and get out the door on time!! You need x and y and z…
Me: Shhh, hush brain. I have plenty of time to grab the (literally) 4 items I need before I walk out the door. Loads of time. This is gonna be a great day!!
And it was!
An abundance mindset requires trust. Just like up above where you didn’t know how you were going to get that pie, but you knew you would, try telling yourself that you have exactly as much time as you need (even though you’re kind of sure you don’t). Feel your entire body relax. Exhale. Good things are coming!
Another way we can live in an abundance mentality when it comes to time is to simply live in the moment. As the years pass, we start to worry about time on a larger scale. We may worry that it’s too late to try something new; we don’t have enough time left to succeed. Or think that we’ll NEVER have time to travel to all of the places that we want to go, might as well not go anywhere, blah blah…
Our brains can get pretty dramatic, huh? FYI, I can totally say that because I’m an offender too. I think up some of the silliest scenarios and make some really weird leaps in my brain- but I’m getting better at catching myself. Thankfully, the love of my life is great at giving me “that look” when I do this, and then we both start laughing and I move on. Just a quick note to let you all know that I am FAR from perfect with all of this! I do try to follow my own advice (it’s actually a huge motivator and keeps me honest), but change takes time. Don’t think that because you’ve had a lack mentality for years (or considered Mountain Dew Breakfast, or never gave a second thought to what you put on your skin), there’s no hope for you. We are constantly evolving creatures. It’s a beautiful thing.
What if instead of worrying about whether we’ll have 10 new stamps in our passport within the next 5 years, we just focus on right now? No, maybe you can’t go buy plane tickets to Italy right this second. But you could research the hell out of that trip, find ways to do it cheaper, plan out how you’ll save the money and work towards it. That’s something you can do right this minute, and you can love every second of it.
Which is more likely to get you to Italy? Assuming you’ll never make it there or picturing the scenery while you find out when flights are least expensive? If you are exuding “ never gonna happen”, guess what?
You got it. Never gonna happen.
Now, if you’re exuding “I can’t wait to go to Italy someday!”, you’re probably going to be reading about it and talking about it quite frequently, with a big smile on your face and an excited attitude. Maybe an acquaintance will share some travel tips with you. Perhaps you’ll stumble across an opportunity to volunteer or work there while you’re researching, or a relative will offer you some frequent flier miles.


First of all, love is abundance, and abundance is love.
You can’t measure it. You can’t force it. You have to have faith in it.
There is always, ALWAYS more to go around.
I find this even easier to get behind than the idea that time is abundant. I really don’t know how I could get out of bed in the morning if I wasn’t sure that we are all beings capable of *infinite* amounts of love.
Also, I’ve lived one of the great “do I have enough love?” quandaries- going from 1 child to 2. It’s almost a rite of passage to stress and wonder and worry, and ask your friends “Do you feel like you still can give enough to your older child? Do you love the second as much as the first because how is it even possible??” Just like the love a parent has for their child, you can’t fully understand it until you’re there.
(Spoiler alert- you can and you will.)
But let’s talk about romantic relationships. How can holding this abundance mentality help you and your partner find even greater happiness?
1) Stop keeping score
This relationship advice is as old as the hills, for good reason. Keeping a record in your mind of “He said that mean thing last month when we were fighting” or “I’ve done the dishes every night this week” isn’t helping anyone. Scorekeeping (and the win-lose mentality in general) is based in fear. Remember that lack= fear and abundance = love.
What we can see in these examples is a fear of being hurt again, or fear of not being respected…or any number of other fears. We tend to put a lot of our own neuroses on a partner when we’re in a relationship. Instead of giving in to those internal fears, imagine a partnership where you both know that forgiveness, respect, love, and laughter are all boundless.
Abundance, baby.
2) Focus on how many opportunities you have to GIVE
Doing nice things for other people makes you feel nice too, yes? Okay then! Let’s shift our mindset from grumbling about all you *have* to do for your partner to getting excited about all of the sweet things you *get* to do to make your love smile.
It really is a gift that keeps on giving. If my husband makes me coffee before he leaves for work at an ungodly hour, I wake up and get all warm and fuzzy because he thought of me. I feel good, and he feels good because he knows (and I tell him, of course) how happy it makes me.
But also, I’m more patient with my kids, I’m in a better mood at my job, etc. Just imagine how far- reaching the effects could go!
3) Remember that you want them to be happy!
This seems like a given, however, it’s easy to fall into the “not enough pie” trap. Can you let your partner enjoy something without being upset that you don’t get to have it too?
Case in point, your partner wants to go on a weekend getaway with their friends. You could a) get crabby because you’ll be solely responsible for the kids while they’re living it up or b) be really really excited that they get to go have fun! I’ve found that the second option results in happier vibes all around. Getaway partner knows they don’t have to feel any guilt and can enjoy their experience fully. Back at home partner is happy to be supportive and trusts that they will get their chance too.
Because there’s more than enough pie to go around.
Let me know what you’re going to do to bring more abundance into your life! I would love to hear from you- drop a comment below or hit me up on Facebook/ Instagram.
Love and abundance to you!
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