7 Guided Meditations For Total Beginners

Looking for some help digging through the pages and pages of results on YouTube when you search “beginner’s meditation”? I got you! Read on for my take on seven different guided meditations (with links to all) that will get you off to a great start.
The idea of sitting in silence, quieting your racing thoughts, and achieving inner peace can sound a little intimidating (or downright impossible). This is why I love guided meditations! All you need to do is grab your headphones and close your eyes, and let the teachers show you the way.
I’ve been meditating for about a year, and still prefer guided meditations. There are so many good ones out there, geared towards any topic you can imagine:
- Anxiety
- Stress
- Sleep
- Confidence
- Chakra balancing
- Manifesting
- Grief
The list goes on and on! I’m even able to find meditations created especially for the current new/ full moon, which I LOVE.
Not all meditation videos are created equal, though. Sometimes, you’ll be peacefully drifting and BAM! A commercial! Putting an ad in the middle of a meditation video seems so far off purpose, but it happens.
Also, you really don’t know what level of woo you’re getting into right off the bat. I recently listened to a fantastic guided meditation, but was definitely thrown towards the end when the creator started talking about communicating with alien races.
Honestly, the meditation was so great up to that point that I just shrugged it off. But I can definitely see how it would ruin a session for some people.
I want everyone to give meditation a try! The benefits are just stunning for something that, at its simplest, comes down to sitting in silence. And- it’s free. It’s just there for you to reach out and take!
So without further ado, here’s a round up of 7 guided meditations on YouTube that are great for anyone who’s just starting out on their meditation journey. You have my word that there won’t be any alien talk or jarring ads!
15 Minute Guided Meditation For Beginners / It’s a Practice Not Perfect by the Mindful Movement
Right away, Sara Raymond emphasizes that anyone can meditate. As the title states, it’s called a meditation*practice* for a reason. Even a total beginner can still get a lot out of this. Yes, even if your thoughts won’t quiet down, even if you only have a little bit of time. This video asks you to leave behind expectations and judgement. I love how she directs you to notice the pause between your inhale and exhale…beautiful!
Beginner’s Guide to Meditation For a Positive and Productive Day (Part 1)
If you want detailed instructions on everything from how to sit to where your hands should be, this is the one for you! Part 1 of a 3 part series.
Guided Meditation Before Sleep: Let Go of the Day by Depression to Expression
Does meditation make you sleepy? This one is made to be done in bed as you fall asleep. The creator reminds/ congratulates you that “You made it through the day”, and asks you to name 3 good things that happened during the day. Geared towards those living with anxiety and depression but really good for anyone- I can’t wait to try it!
Back To Basics Guided Meditation by Jason Stephenson
Jason has over a million subscribers to his channel, and over 1M views on this video in particular, so he obviously has plenty of experience guiding others on their journeys! Above the calm music and sounds of water, he asks the listener to “Stop planning, expecting, and reacting. Just for a little while. Just be.” Advice we all need to follow, am I right? I also loved the part where he assures you that when you’re done, you’ll remember all the important things you need to do, so no need to worry about it now.
10 Minute Chakra Balance Guided Meditation for Positive Energy by Great Meditation
Knowledge of the chakras isn’t necessary to enjoy this meditation fully. Just trust me, you do want them balanced. 🙂 The narrator does a fantastic job of explaining the location, meaning, and color association of each one (without taking away from calm, serene vibe of the meditation). Visualizing each chakra is actually a wonderful way to start learning about them!
7 Min Meditation to Start Your Day by Yoga With Adriene
Yoga With Adriene is my fave!! I’ve done lots of her yoga videos and always find her voice calming and her perspective uplifting. This is a really nice short and sweet meditation that you can do anywhere or anytime. Imagine how different your afternoon might go if you take 7 minutes to do this on your lunch break?
Beginner’s Meditation by Heather Nieves
I can personally attest to how great Heather’s meditations are for beginners, because she was basically my gateway to meditating regularly! If you enjoy this one, be sure to check out her Facebook group for more beautiful meditations.
If you are just getting started with meditation, you have a glorious journey of self exploration ahead of you! I hope these videos bring peace to your soul and positivity to your day. Comment below to let me know which one you liked best!