Welcome to part one of my Seasons of Your Cycle series! I’ll be diving into what happens during your inner winter, spring, and summer in the weeks to come. Although autumn is the last phase, I’m starting with it in honor of the Equinox earlier …
Much like the four seasons in a year, a woman moves through 4 different phases of her cycle each month. Learning how to optimize each “season” can help bring you into harmony with your cycle. If you live in the Midwest like I do, you …
Learn how this essential mineral works to chill you out!
***I am not a medical professional. Please consult with your doctor before taking any new supplements.***
Raise your hand if you haven’t really paid much attention to your magnesium intake. Yeah, same here! But we are missing out- let’s take a look at all the many things we need magnesium to do in our bodies.
Why is magnesium so important?
Magnesium has a role in over 300 bicochemical functions! It helps to produce energy and controls the release of certain hormones. And hormones, well… they control EVERYTHING, so we need to keep them balanced.
In addition to the anxiety/ depression connection, magnesium deficiency is also connected to muscle cramps, digestive issues, and an increased risk of heart disease, migraines, and high blood pressure.
It also has a part in creating neurological pathways in the brain, and controls the HPA axis (center of our stress response system). If you have anxiety, you might be getting pretty excited about magnesium right now. Controls my stress response system? Yep, let’s make sure we’ve got enough of that!!
How It Works for Anxiety
Magnesium can suppress the release of stress hormones in the brain. See, I told you it all comes back to hormones! It can also work at the blood-brain barrier to keep stress hormones out.
Additionally, it may reduce the release of ACTH and control the way our adrenal glands respond to it. Quick breakdown: ACTH is a hormone that regulates the levels of cortisol, which is released by the adrenal glands.
Magnesium is referred to as ” the original chill pill”.
As a massage therapist, I’m aware of the connection between relaxing your body and relaxing your mind. Magnesium is all over that too!
This mineral is a natural muscle relaxer, anti-inflammatory, and nervous system relaxant, too. I feel that the physical tension and mental unease that I experience due to my anxiety are part of a vicious circle. I’m anxious, so my jaw is clenched, and the fact that I can’t relax it make me anxious, so on and so forth. In fact, the American Psychological Association even stated that chronic muscle tension “may trigger other reactions of the body and even promote stress-related disorders”.
One other fantastic superpower that magnesium claims is its ability to increase GABA levels in the brain. GABA is a neurotransmitter that slows brain activity. Low levels are associated with:
Chronic stress
Difficulty concentrating
How to Choose the Right Supplement
Options, options!
There are a lot of choices out there when shopping for a magnesium supplement. Talking to your doctor, a nutritionist, or other expert would be a great first step. That being said, here are some basics:
*Magnesium Citrate- Popular for general supplementing, may have a moderate laxative effect
*Magnesium Glycinate- Calming, good for sleep (this is what I’m trying first!)
*Magnesium Carbonate- Used in antacid medications- strong laxative effect
*Magnesium Taurate- Helpful for fatigue, fibromyalgia, and insomnia
*Magnesium L-Threonate- A newer supplement on the market, specifically formulated to cross the blood-brain barrier effectively. Also said to increase neuroplasticity.
Lots of options! If you don’t have a medical/ nutrition professional to discuss it with, at least make sure to check your choice out on LabDoor, a site that analyzes supplements for purity, safety, and efficacy.
Personally, I’m really excited about trying magnesium to control my anxiety, in addition to exploring other natural options like CBD and herbal supplements. There is NO shame in taking medication for your mental health- I’ve also been in that space where it felt like a life-saver- but I’m ready to move on from meds.
Do you take magnesium? Share your favorite brand or success story below!
Don’t forget to subscribe to our email list for more info on managing anxiety naturally. This is a topic close to my own heart, so there will be more good tips to come!
Are you still using Windex, Comet, and other harsh cleansers to get your bathroom sparkling? No more, friend! I’m about to show you how incredibly easy it is to use natural ingredients to whip up your own cleaning supplies. I also used to buy 3, …
Miscarriages are terrible. Gut-wrenching is a good word that comes to mind. But you know what? They’re also really common. Studies have shown that up to 20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. We all probably know multiple women who have experienced this, even if they …
I try to fit it in everyday! It’s a fantastic way to clear your head, explore your feelings, and release stress. On most days, I just want to let it flow- let my thoughts and emotions out, without my brain checking first to make sure they’re acceptable.
That being said, journal prompts can be
a real help when you have a specific goal for your journaling
practice. Maybe you want to step it up at work, or be more patient
with your kids. Perhaps you have some issues in your relationship
that you’d like to work on. Or you’re searching for more confidence
in your life. Whatever it may be, there are tons of premade journals
available out there that are focused to a specific intention. And
boatloads of suggestions on Pinterest too!
Today we’re going to narrow it down, and focus on something that most of us let fall to the wayside:
Time to show yourself some love!
Honestly, loving yourself fully and
completely is gonna help with all that other stuff too- so it’s a
great place to start!
I did the hunting for you today, and
came up with a list of journal prompts you can use to foster
self-love. Use these when you find you’re being critical and
unforgiving towards yourself, lacking in confidence, or just having
one of those low days.
1. What are 5 things you’re good at?
Don’t think expert level, okay? If that’s your goal, great- but let’s appreciate where you’re at right now. Some examples could be “My meal plans kick ass” or ” I’ve been so consistent with practicing ______ lately” or “I make people laugh all the time at work.”
2. What do you want people to remember about you?
Oooo, now we’re getting deep! Thinking about the main qualities you want associated with you helps guide you towards decisions that are right for YOU. Writing it makes it real, and that’s one of my favorite things about journaling.
3. What do you need to forgive yourself for?
This. This is such a big one for me! I remember the first time that I was writing and I had this mind-blowing, tears running down my face epiphany about my relationship with my kids (told you we were getting deep!). Through journaling about my daily interactions with them, I realized that I was stuck in thinking I was still the person I was before I went on medication for postpartum depression/anxiety.
Once I saw how tightly I was holding on to that belief- that I was an angry mama, that I couldn’t control my reactions, that I had no patience- I then saw that I didn’t have to. I don’t think I can accurately express how good that felt. It has seriously been a game changer for me as a parent.
4. What is your favorite physical feature?
C’mon, you can think of AT LEAST one! But feel free to go on and on about the things you find pleasing when you look in the mirror. We all spend far too much time focusing on what we don’t like, so let’s switch it up! Focusing on the things you love about your appearance will make it easier to get into that mind space more often.
I love my shoulders and my hair!
5. What would you tell your childhood self?
My intention with this one is that you spend a moment considering how to speak kindly to yourself. The nasty self-talk that we allow is nothing we would ever, in a million years, say to a child. Why? Because it hurts.
I hope that you talk to your 6, 10, or 14 year old self and tell them how absolutely fucking AMAZING they are, that they are so stunning and smart and full of light. And then remember, that person is YOU. That’s still you. So now you have a new way of talking to yourself!
6. A long term goal I have is…
Want to make a drastic career change? Do you see yourself spending retirement on a houseboat in Italy? (If you don’t, please go look up “houseboat in Italy” and your mind may change!) Your goal might be something a little more down to earth, like feeling confident speaking in front of a crowd.
You got this!
Whatever it is, you have to believe it before anyone else will! So start planning, make a list, and figure out what you need to do to get there. Like I said before, writing it down makes. It. Real. It reminds you that yes, you are a badass, and you can start taking steps (no matter how small) towards your dreams.
7. Who is your role model, and how are you already like her?
The qualities you admire in other people are often the qualities you want to cultivate within yourself. Maybe you’re closer than you think! For example, I am endlessly impressed with Deanne Love, founder of Hooplovers. She just oozes positive energy, she’s so clearly free in her body when she dances, and she has a massive drive to teach, to spread the hoop love to as many people as possible.
The one and only Deanne Love. Freedom personified. I adore this woman!
Am I a professional hooper with more tricks than you can count and 100K+ followers on YouTube? Hahaha no, definitely not. But- I can access that freedom (hoopers call it flow) of movement in my body. I’ve been there, and it’s magical. I also have a desire to share uplifting messages that help people grow (hi, welcome to my blog!).
We have a tendency to downplay our own strengths. I hope this exercise helps you to see that you’re pretty awesome too.
8. List 20 little things that make you happy
It’s the simple things in life, right? For me, it’s my first cup of coffee, giggles from the kiddos, looking at the moon and stars, perfect buttery toast (unapologetic carb lover here), listening to Sublime…
What does it for you? Feel free to list more than 20 things if you’re moved to do so. This is a list you can come back to. When you need a little lift, when you need to soothe your soul, just choose from your happy list!
9. How do you show love to others? How is that similar/different from how you show love to yourself?
Think about the grace you give to other people. Are you giving it to yourself as well? What about forgiveness, encouragement, unconditional love?
On a more surface level, consider the small things you do for others just because it will make them smile.
That little bit of extra effort you put in to making your toddler’s lunch plate look super appealing, or how excited you get about finding, wrapping, and presenting the perfect gift to a friend.
Okay, now take that energy and aim it right back at yourself, baby!
10. Write a love letter to your body
Lizzo knows what’s up
I know this one might not seem easy. It might seem like the hardest one on the list. We (especially women) are not conditioned to love our bodies. Lots of people out there making LOTS of money from you wanting to change yourself. I’m inviting you now to close your eyes and just think about the sensations your body brings to you.
How the muscles in your legs move when you walk.
The power you feel in your arms and back when you lift something heavy.
The freedom you feel when you dance and let it ALL go.
Thank your body for all that it does, because god knows we spend enough time wishing for it to be something else. Flip the script. Let this journaling session bring you home to your body.
Which one of these are you excited to dive in to? Tell me in the comments or say hey over on Facebook!
Grounding, in its simplest definition, means reconnecting to the earth. The same term is used to describe a person or object having a solid physical footing, or an electrical conductor being attached to the ground. Today, we’re going to be talking in less literal terms, …
Ah, motherhood. It changes us in sooo many ways, doesn’t it? Our hearts grow by what seems like a thousandfold, plus some more. Unlimited time for our own hobbies and interests is a thing of the past. We now say things like “Because I said …
Part 1 of this series gives a good basic breakdown of what diastasis recti is, and who is at risk. Click here to catch up if you haven’t read it yet!
I was 4 months postpartum, still getting used to a new body (and a new baby!) when I found out that I had diastasis recti.
Big ol’ belly with baby #1! No wonder my core was exhausted…
Of course I dove right into research mode looking for exercises and programs to help me heal. Being the super-frugal lady that I am, I did not want to shell out $100+ for an exercise program. No way, not my style!
But…as I kept reading, I overwhelmingly saw that the women with the greatest success usually were following one of a few well-known (paid) programs. I decided to bite the bullet and bought the Mutu System.
Mutu System
“Mutu” is short for “mummy tummy”. Kind of a silly name, but it does speak to the fact that so many women think that DR is just a fact of life after becoming a mom. The 12 week program starts with a few weeks of daily core workouts, plus a 20 minute walk everyday. After that, the “Intensive” workouts are added in. These are ” no-impact, but high intensity, DR-safe, efficient workouts to strengthen, shape and tone”. They take about 25 minutes, and should be done 3-4 times a week. Mutu also includes advice on posture/ alignment and nutrition.
I started the program fully motivated to make a change! I was learning a lot- about posture, taking collagen to aid in healing, and why the shoes you wear matter (ditch the heels- sorry guys!). One huge takeaway was the understanding that your core and pelvic floor need to work together in harmony. Another was how important it is to engage your core on the exhale when you do the “work” of any movement, whether that be coming up from a squat or lifting a child.
I think where Mutu lost me was all the rules to follow. As a new mom, I couldn’t fit it all in: the core workout, plus intensive, plus that walk, AND following the nutrition plan. When I didn’t complete all of the tasks for the day, I felt like I failed- so motivation went out the window.
Still, I tried to stick with it. I did complete the 12 weeks, but still had a gap (and the belly to go with it). I went for a second round after baby #2, but never really got the results that I was after. Mutu just wasn’t “it” for me, but I still have a great appreciation for its creators. They introduced me to a boatload of information that I’d never even considered ( I have to pay attention to what my ribs are doing??) and also to the fabulous Katy Bowman. Bowman is a biomechanist and an authority on all things movement. She also literally wrote the book on DR. Check out her website here if you’re ready for a deep dive into how your body moves.
Bowman’s DR bible!
A few months ago, I was feeling ready to try out a new program. My “baby” had recently turned 2, sooo I guess it was about time, right?! I’d been hearing nothing but rave reviews for Dr. Sarah Duvall’s program in an online DR support community, so when a special sale was announced I went for it!
Diastasis Fix- Dr. Sarah Duvall
The AMAZING Dr. Duvall
Duvall is a PT and mom of 2 that actually healed her own diastasis with the program she developed.
She offers several different courses on her site, and I was lucky enough to get a free 30 day trial of EVERYTHING with my purchase of Diastasis Fix.
Her pelvic floor rehab course (Pelvic Floor Perfect) was the first one I was drawn to. Having pelvic floor issues along with a DR is super common, and I’m no exception. PFP helped me nail the crucial skill of releasing my pelvic floor muscles.
I know, we usually hear about women wanting to “tighten up” after having kids, but a hypertonic (too tight) pelvic floor is a real (and widespread) issue. I felt a noticeable difference after working through just a couple of the videos, and this is something I struggled with FOREVER. I’d be endlessly grateful to Dr. Duvall even if that was all I got out of her program.
But I had more to do, of course! Considering my awesome success with just dipping my toe into one program, I was super psyched to get into what I came for and start rehabbing my core. Diastasis Fix is divided up into 8 weeks, and also includes 2 more advanced core workouts (for when you’re stronger) and a jam-packed bonus section full of videos on posture, breathing, pregnancy, and more.
Posture is *integral* in healing a diastasis!
You start out with breathing exercises. We all want to work HARD to get strong again, and you may feel like the breathwork is worthless, but it’s incredibly important. Breathing is step 1. If you don’t have the breathing down, the exercises aren’t gonna fix anything for you. I love how Sarah always comes back to the concept that the gap isn’t the problem, it’s just a symptom of a larger, whole-body issue. You can’t will your way to a strong functional core- you’ve got to take it step by step. This program does such a great job of walking you through the process
The workouts do get more challenging! As the weeks go by, more movement-based exercises are added in along with the breathing and stretching. Week 5 actually has a modified plank included, which I’m sooo pumped about!
Doing the work in my home gym kids’ playroom. Determined mama!!
Right now, I’m about halfway through the program and quite pleased with the results. (If you’re thinking, “Wait, didn’t she say she purchased this months ago?” you are correct. Yes, I was a slacker getting started- hands up if you’ve been there too, I know it’s not just me!) I am learning SO much and making even more progress than I thought. I was doing a Facebook Live the other day, demonstrating how to check for a diastasis, and was thrown for a minute when I realized my gap was much smaller than I remembered it being! Happy surprises 🙂
Sarah Duvall’s program is the real deal. I have confidence that this is the program that’s going to help me get my core strength back. I’m ready, I’m putting in the work, and honestly, I think I’ll be stronger when I’m done than I was pre-baby!
Even if you aren’t ready to jump into the full program, Duvall’s site is still a legit goldmine of information. Check out the Free Resources page on her site for mini-courses, an E-book, and more- all at no cost!
Do you have, or have you had diastasis recti? What did you do (or are you currently doing) to heal your core? Comment below or get in touch with us on Facebook to share your story! The more we talk about it, the easier it will be for women to get the care they need.
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