Tag: anxiety

Free and Easy Stress Relief Through Tapping

Free and Easy Stress Relief Through Tapping

What if I told you that you could:  Relieve stress Decrease anxiety Let go of anger Release your fears  …just by using two fingers?  Let’s talk about tapping! Officially known as the Emotional Freedom Technique or Thought Field Therapy, this method has been around since 

Could  Magnesium Help Ease Your Anxiety?

Could Magnesium Help Ease Your Anxiety?

Learn how this essential mineral works to chill you out! ***I am not a medical professional. Please consult with your doctor before taking any new supplements.*** Raise your hand if you haven’t really paid much attention to your magnesium intake. Yeah, same here! But we 

5 Easy Ways To Stay Grounded

5 Easy Ways To Stay Grounded

Grounding, in its simplest definition, means reconnecting to the earth. The same term is used to describe a person or object having a solid physical footing, or an electrical conductor being attached to the ground.

Today, we’re going to be talking in less literal terms, focusing on mental and spiritual grounding. But don’t forget that connection to the earth! That energy is going to be the target in all of these methods.

Do you know when you need to ground? You may not be familiar with tapping into your own feelings, your own energy, to check in and see what you need at any given moment. Even if that’s the case, no worries!

Are you feeling….



Unfocused? Are your thoughts alll over the place?

Flighty, like you can’t settle in to a task or activity?

Simply overwhelmed?

Maybe you’re about to begin a project or activity that you know requires your full attention and a clear head. I am a massage therapist, so one of my key moments to focus on grounding is immediately before I begin a session. You may feel the pull towards getting grounded:

Before a meeting or interview

Before a performance of any kind

In the midst of a frustrating work day

Prior to (or after) an event that may cause stress

As you start or end your day

Grounding yourself is effective, satisfying, and (in many cases) totally free! Like with many other processes, the power is already within you. Let’s dive in to five ways you can tap into it:

How to Ground

1-Make Contact With the Earth

Put your feet on the ground. Literally! This is one of my favorite ways to bring myself back to earth energy. Just the other day, before beginning a massage, I walked outside (holding my petrified wood) and went to stand barefoot on the grass. I closed my eyes, and took a few deep breaths, then felt the tingling of awareness in my lower legs that signals ( for me, personally) that I’m connecting with that energy I seek.

Get your feet on the ground, everyday! Grass, sand, dirt- it all works. Gardening is another fantastic way to do this.

2- Crystals

Crystals can be incredibly helpful in keeping you grounded. If you think about it, it makes perfect sense- we’re trying to connect to the earth, and a crystal is the earth! Understandably, stones that are associated with the lower chakras (and the root chakra in particular) are known as some of the best stones for grounding, Some examples include:


Smoky Quartz


Petrified Wood


From top: obsidian, petrified wood, smoky quartz, and jasper

I love using crystals for grounding (and well, everything) because you can take them with you wherever you go. It’s easy to have a stone or two in your pocket or purse that you can pull out when you feel the need for it.

Crystal jewelry is another great option! Whatever your intention with a stone, wearing it allows you to work with that energy all day long.

3- Movement

Move your body to bring yourself back down to earth! Exercise will shift the focus to your body and get you out of your head, which is exactly our goal. Do whatever works for you- maybe it’s a walk, or quick set of squats or push-ups. I like to break out my hoop and spin around a bit- definitely wakes up my playful side!

Tree pose 🙂

Or try any of these yoga poses:

Tree Pose

Warrior 2

Child’s Pose

You can do them anywhere. Okay, child’s pose might get you some weird looks at work, but…worth it!

4- Essential Oils

Our sense of smell and our emotions are closely linked. Essential oils work wonders to relieve stress and lift our moods, and they can definitely help you feel more grounded and centered as well. Clary sage always makes me feel rooted. Other good ones are:






5- Visualization and Breathing Exercises

The technique I use before every massage goes like this:

I close my eyes, and imagine I’m standing barefoot in the grass. I then picture roots coming down from my feet, and reaching deep down into the earth. Finally, I visualize a white light radiating from my crown chakra ( top of the head) and drifting down over my entire body.

My intention for that white light is to shield me from other people’s energy, but you could definitely picture it calming you or clearing your thoughts, too.

Try “box breathing” when you’re feeling anxious or flustered. Just remember 4- inhale for a count of 4, hold for 4, exhale 4, hold for 4. Repeat 4 times. Breathwork seems so simple (we all have to breathe, right?), but it really can be a very powerful tool for working with your emotions.

Check out this page for some other unique grounding visualizations, like drawing around your foot in your mind (super cool)!

How do you stay grounded?

The Power of Touch

The Power of Touch

What if I told you that in just an hour, you could reduce stress levels and anxiety, relieve pain, increase circulation, and lower your blood pressure? Time for a massage! Most of us are familiar with getting a massage to relax or feel pampered, but